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Chia Seeds for PCOS as a super food

Chia seeds are an excellent source of omega-3 fatty acids, fiber, and antioxidants. The high fiber content helps regulate blood sugar levels and supports digestive health. Omega-3 fatty acids reduce inflammation and improve heart health, which is beneficial for managing PCOS symptoms. Including chia seeds in your diet can help provide essential nutrients and support overall health and well-being.

Recipes containing Chia Seeds

Berry Ginger Smoothie Bowl (Breakfast)

A refreshing and nutritious smoothie bowl packed with antioxidants and fiber.

Fat: 5, Protein: 10, Carbs: 30

Calories 200

PCOS Hair Growth Elixir - Biotin-Infused Green Juice Blend (Snack)

A nutrient-packed green juice blend that promotes hair growth and is beneficial for PCOS.

Fat: 0.5, Protein: 2, Carbs: 28

Calories 120

PCOS Friendly Chia Pudding - Pistachio Rosewater Chia Pudding (Breakfast)

A refreshing and nutritious chia pudding flavored with rosewater and pistachios.

Fat: 15, Protein: 7, Carbs: 20

Calories 250

Raspberry and Spinach Detox Smoothie for PCOS (Breakfast)

A refreshing and nutrient-rich smoothie perfect for breakfast.

Fat: 5, Protein: 6, Carbs: 30

Calories 200

PCOS-Friendly Raspberry and Chia Seed Breakfast Bowl (Breakfast)

A nutritious and delicious breakfast bowl packed with fiber and antioxidants.

Fat: 15, Protein: 10, Carbs: 30

Calories 300

PCOS-Friendly Protein Energy Balls (Snack)

Delicious and nutritious energy balls packed with protein and fiber.

Fat: 8, Protein: 6, Carbs: 18

Calories 150

Blackberry and Greek Yogurt Bars for PCOS-Friendly Snacks (Snack)

Healthy and delicious blackberry and Greek yogurt bars that are perfect for a PCOS-friendly snack.

Fat: 7, Protein: 10, Carbs: 23

Calories 200

High Protein PCOS Breakfast - Protein-Packed Overnight Oats with Greek Yogurt (Breakfast)

A protein-packed, PCOS-friendly breakfast that's easy to prepare and perfect for busy mornings.

Fat: 7, Protein: 20, Carbs: 45

Calories 350

PCOS Friendly Oatmeal - Steel Cut Oats with Cinnamon and Chia Seeds (Breakfast)

A hearty, PCOS-friendly oatmeal made with steel cut oats, chia seeds, and cinnamon.

Fat: 5, Protein: 7, Carbs: 40

Calories 250

PCOS Gut Health: Plain Kefir Breakfast Bowl (Breakfast)

A quick and nutritious breakfast bowl featuring kefir, mixed berries, chia seeds, and granola.

Fat: 8, Protein: 12, Carbs: 30

Calories 250

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Foods that help with PCOS Symptoms

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