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Blueberries for PCOS as a super food

Blueberries are a nutrient-rich fruit that is high in antioxidants, vitamins C and K, and fiber. The antioxidants in blueberries help reduce oxidative stress and inflammation, which is beneficial for managing PCOS symptoms. The high fiber content in blueberries helps regulate blood sugar levels and supports digestive health. Including blueberries in your diet can provide essential nutrients and improve overall health and well-being.

Recipes containing Blueberries

High Protein PCOS Breakfast - Cottage Cheese and Almond Flour Pancakes (Breakfast)

A high protein, low carb breakfast perfect for managing PCOS symptoms.

Fat: 20, Protein: 28, Carbs: 12

Calories 320

PCOS Breakfast Ideas - Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie Bowl (Breakfast)

A nutrient-dense, PCOS-friendly smoothie bowl packed with antioxidants, fiber, and protein.

Fat: 7, Protein: 10, Carbs: 35

Calories 250

PCOS Dessert Ideas - Lemon and Blueberry Muffins (Dessert)

Delicious and healthy lemon and blueberry muffins made with almond and coconut flour. Perfect for a PCOS-friendly dessert.

Fat: 8, Protein: 6, Carbs: 28

Calories 200

PCOS Dessert Ideas - Blueberry and Lemon Energy Bites (Dessert)

A quick and easy dessert packed with antioxidants and fiber.

Fat: 5, Protein: 3, Carbs: 20

Calories 150

PCOS Breakfast Ideas - Blueberry and Spinach Smoothie Bowl (Breakfast)

A nutrient-packed smoothie bowl with spinach, blueberries, banana, chia seeds, and almond milk, sweetened with a touch of honey.

Fat: 10, Protein: 15, Carbs: 35

Calories 300

PCOS Dessert Ideas - Blueberry and Almond Flour Muffins (Dessert)

Low GI, nutrient-rich blueberry and almond flour muffins.

Fat: 15, Protein: 6, Carbs: 18

Calories 220

PCOS Breakfast Ideas - Overnight Oats with Flaxseeds and Blueberries (Breakfast)

A quick and easy overnight oats recipe packed with nutrients beneficial for PCOS.

Fat: 15, Protein: 10, Carbs: 45

Calories 350

PCOS Dessert Ideas - Lemon and Blueberry Chia Seed Pudding (Dessert)

A refreshing and healthy dessert packed with fiber and antioxidants.

Fat: 10, Protein: 8, Carbs: 30

Calories 250

Spirulina Recipes - Spirulina and Green Apple Smoothie Bowl (Breakfast)

A nutrient-rich, PCOS-friendly smoothie bowl packed with spirulina and green apple.

Fat: 5, Protein: 10, Carbs: 35

Calories 250

Superfood Smoothie (Lunch)

Blueberries, spinach, and almond milk make this a Superfood Smoothie and a great way to start your day! Superfoods provide key nutrients that are lacking in the typical western diet.

Fat: 2, Protein: 3, Carbs: 26

Calories 125

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