PCOS Meal Planner

Grapefruit for PCOS as a super food

Grapefruits are rich in folic acid. One grapefruit will give you 8% of your daily needs of folic acid.

Recipes containing Grapefruit

PCOS Broiler Recipe - Broiled Grapefruit with Cinnamon (Breakfast)

A delicious and healthy start to your day, this broiled grapefruit with cinnamon is a PCOS-friendly breakfast option.

Fat: 0.1, Protein: 1, Carbs: 13

Calories 52

Hormone Balance: Purslane and Citrus Bowl (Lunch)

A refreshing and hormone-balancing salad featuring purslane and citrus fruits.

Fat: 15, Protein: 10, Carbs: 45

Calories 350

PCOS Metabolism Boosting Breakfast - Green Tea and Grapefruit Overnight Oats (Breakfast)

A refreshing and metabolism-boosting breakfast with the goodness of green tea and grapefruit.

Fat: 7, Protein: 8, Carbs: 35

Calories 250

PCOS-Friendly Citrus Boost - Grapefruit and Avocado Salad with Mint (Lunch)

A refreshing, nutrient-packed salad featuring grapefruit, avocado, and mint.

Fat: 15, Protein: 3, Carbs: 30

Calories 250

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