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Hemp Seeds for PCOS as a super food

Hemp seeds are high in gamma linolenic acid (GLA), an essential omega-6 fatty acid that is believed to naturally balance hormones.

Recipes containing Hemp Seeds

PCOS Heart Health Promoting Breakfast - Omega-3 Rich Chia and Hemp Seed Oatmeal (Breakfast)

A heart-healthy, omega-3 rich oatmeal breakfast that promotes PCOS management.

Fat: 15, Protein: 10, Carbs: 45

Calories 350

High Protein PCOS Breakfast - Greek Yogurt with Hemp Seeds and Berries (Breakfast)

A high protein, low GI breakfast that's perfect for managing PCOS.

Fat: 10, Protein: 20, Carbs: 30

Calories 350

PCOS Adrenal Support Adaptogenic Bites - No-Bake Adaptogenic Bliss Balls (Snack)

Nutrient-dense, no-bake bliss balls that support adrenal health.

Fat: 10, Protein: 5, Carbs: 12

Calories 150

PCOS Gut Flora: Kefir and Greens Smoothie Bowl (Breakfast)

A nutrient-dense smoothie bowl packed with probiotics, fiber, and healthy fats.

Fat: 10, Protein: 15, Carbs: 20

Calories 250

No Bake Chocolate Peanut Butter Fat Bombs (Snack)

Fat: 160, Protein: 35, Carbs: 25

Calories 1666

Blood Sugar Balance: Kefir and Hemp Seed Bowl (Breakfast)

A quick, nutritious, and delicious breakfast bowl that helps balance blood sugar.

Fat: 15, Protein: 18, Carbs: 30

Calories 350

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