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Chicken Breast for PCOS as a super food

Skinless chicken breast, often heralded for its lean nutritional profile, is undeniably a powerhouse when it comes to protein content. With an impressive 21 grams of protein packed into every 100 grams of the breast, it emerges as a preferred choice for those conscious about their protein intake. Delving deeper into the nutritional matrix of chicken, one can't overlook the copious amounts of vitamin B6 it houses. This particular vitamin plays an indispensable role in our body, especially when discussing Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) management.

For individuals grappling with PCOS, the internal hormonal turbulence can be overwhelming, often leading to a spike in testosterone and androgen levels. This is where vitamin B6 comes into the spotlight. Acting as a balancer, vitamin B6 diligently works behind the scenes to keep these hormones in check, ensuring they don't surge beyond desirable levels. It is this equilibrium that becomes paramount for those earnestly looking to curtail the excessive flow of testosterone and androgen. In the broader spectrum of PCOS management, incorporating foods rich in vitamin B6, like chicken breast, can be a strategic move, providing both nutritional sustenance and hormonal balance.

Recipes containing Chicken Breast

PCOS Lunch Ideas - Chicken and Avocado Lettuce Cups (Lunch)

Healthy and delicious chicken and avocado lettuce cups, perfect for a PCOS-friendly lunch.

Fat: 20, Protein: 30, Carbs: 10

Calories 350

PCOS Chicken Recipes - Chicken and Zucchini Noodles (Dinner)

A quick and easy PCOS-friendly dinner recipe featuring lean protein and low GI vegetables.

Fat: 15, Protein: 30, Carbs: 10

Calories 350

Bacon Wrapped Chicken Cordon Bleu (Lunch)

Fat: 42.25, Protein: 151, Carbs: 2

Calories 1083

PCOS Asian Keto Recipes: Lunch - Sesame Ginger Chicken Salad (Lunch)

A quick and easy Asian-inspired salad with a sesame ginger dressing.

Fat: 20, Protein: 30, Carbs: 10

Calories 350

PCOS Vietnamese Keto Recipes: Lunch - Keto Vietnamese Chicken Salad (Lunch)

A refreshing and nutritious Vietnamese chicken salad with a tangy dressing, perfect for a keto-friendly lunch.

Fat: 20, Protein: 30, Carbs: 10

Calories 350

PCOS Turkish Keto Recipes: Lunch - Keto Turkish Chicken Salad (Lunch)

A refreshing and nutritious Turkish chicken salad, perfect for a PCOS-friendly keto lunch.

Fat: 30, Protein: 35, Carbs: 10

Calories 450

Chicken Nacho Casserole (Lunch)

Who said you can't have 'nachos' with diabetes? Try this healthy version that has all the flavor of traditional nachos without all of the extra fat and carbs.

Fat: 6, Protein: 23, Carbs: 17

Calories 210

Kid-Friendly Chicken Fingers (Dinner)

Do you need a healthy dinner for the entire family? These baked chicken fingers are coated in cornmeal, which is considered a whole-grain, and makes a crispy coating. They also taste great served over salad greens.

Fat: 3.5, Protein: 23, Carbs: 22

Calories 225

Yogurt-BBQ Chicken with Creamy Slaw compliments of Dannon® Light and Fit® Greek Yogurt (Lunch)

It's summer time, pool time and BBQ time! Add a delicious twist to your barbeque chicken and cole slaw with a creamy yogurt sauce. It is sure to be a hit with the entire family after a day of fun in the sun!

Fat: 7, Protein: 33, Carbs: 20

Calories 270

PCOS Low GI Spanish Recipes: Lunch - Low GI Spanish Chicken Salad (Lunch)

A low GI, PCOS-friendly Spanish chicken salad packed with protein and healthy fats.

Fat: 15, Protein: 28, Carbs: 20

Calories 350

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