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Sunflower Seeds for PCOS as a super food

Sunflower seeds are an excellent food for PCOS as they are packed with vitamin B2 (riboflavin) and vitamin B6 (pyridoxine). Just one cup of sunflower seeds provides 30% of the recommended daily intake for vitamin B6. Sunflower seeds are also loaded with two other important of PCOS busting minerals: zinc and magnesium.

Recipes containing Sunflower Seeds

PCOS Friendly Seed Crackers - Everything Bagel Seed Crackers (Snack)

Crunchy, flavorful seed crackers with a delightful everything bagel twist.

Fat: 15, Protein: 6, Carbs: 10

Calories 200

PCOS Broccoli Salad - Broccoli Sunflower Seed Salad (Lunch)

A nutrient-dense, PCOS-friendly salad featuring broccoli and sunflower seeds.

Fat: 20, Protein: 10, Carbs: 25

Calories 300

Power Granola (Snack)

This granola is a great pre-or post-workout snack with a great balance of carbs and protein. It also makes an excellent breakfast cereal or can be stirred into your favorite Greek yogurt.

Fat: 17, Protein: 5, Carbs: 10

Calories 200

PCOS-Friendly Cereal Alternative - Grain-Free 'Cereal' with Nuts and Seeds (Breakfast)

A grain-free, low GI, high protein and fiber breakfast cereal alternative.

Fat: 28, Protein: 10, Carbs: 20

Calories 350

PCOS Blood Sugar: Tallow-Roasted Magnesium-Rich Seeds (Snack)

A tasty, nutrient-rich snack perfect for managing PCOS and blood sugar levels.

Fat: 20, Protein: 10, Carbs: 15

Calories 250

Blood Sugar Balancing PCOS Trail Mix (Snack)

A quick, easy, and nutritious snack mix that helps balance blood sugar levels.

Fat: 14, Protein: 6, Carbs: 16

Calories 200

PCOS Friendly Baking Mix - Air Fryer Grain-Free Granola (Breakfast)

A quick and easy grain-free granola recipe perfect for PCOS-friendly breakfast or snack.

Fat: 15, Protein: 10, Carbs: 20

Calories 250

PCOS Keto Crackers - Almond Flour and Seed Crackers (Snack)

Crunchy and nutritious almond flour and seed crackers, perfect for a keto diet.

Fat: 12, Protein: 6, Carbs: 5

Calories 150

PCOS Hormone Support - Air Fryer Seed Cycling Energy Balls (Snack)

Nutrient-dense energy balls made with a variety of seeds, perfect for hormone support in PCOS.

Fat: 8, Protein: 5, Carbs: 12

Calories 150

Healthy Snack Mix - Foodie Recipe (Snack)

This snack mix is packed with nutrition and healthy fats from the many nuts and seeds. Plus the freeze-dried blueberries add a tangy, fruity flavor to the mix!

Fat: 14, Protein: 6, Carbs: 9

Calories 175

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