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Dinner: How to Make Inarizushi (Fried Tofu Pouch Filled with Sushi Rice Recipe) いなり寿司 作り方レシピ

Ingredients for Inarizushi (12 pieces) いなり寿司の作り方 字幕表示可 6 Aburaage - Fried Tofu Pouches 300ml Dashi Stock (1.27 us cup) 3 tbsp Sugar 2 tbsp Mirin 2 tbsp Soy Sauce 3 Dried Shiitake Mushrooms 30g Carrot (1.76 oz) 4g Dried Hijiki Seaweed (0.141 oz) Vegetable Oil 4~5 tbsp Shiitake Liquid ½ tbsp Sake ½ tbsp Mirin ½ tbsp Sugar ½ tbsp Soy Sauce 1 tbsp Toasted White Sesame Seeds Omelette Sheets (2 eggs sugar salt potato starch dissolved in water) Mitsuba - Japanese Wild Parsley Shoga Amazuzuke - Pickled Ginger 300ml Japanese Rice (1.27 us cup) 300ml Water (1.27 us cup) 1 tbsp Sake 5x5cm Dried Kombu Seaweed (2x2 inch) How to Make Steamed Rice Wash and drain 300ml rice (1.27 us cup) with a sieve basket. Put the rice in a rice cooker and add 300ml water (1.27 us cup), 1 tbsp sake and 5x5cm dried kombu seaweed (2x2 inch). Let the rice soak in the water for 30 minutes and turn on the rice cooker. 50ml Sushi Vinegar (1.76 fl oz) (substitute: 2 tbsp rice vinegar 1½ tbsp sugar ⅔ tsp salt) http://youtube.com/cookingwithdog http://facebook.com/cookingwithdog http://google.com/ cookingwithdog http://twitter.com/cookingwithdog <材料> 12個分 米:300ml(250g) 水:300ml 酒:大1 出し昆布:5cm角1枚 ※米は30分間分量の水に浸けたあと炊飯する。 すし酢(市販):50ml ※または   酢:大2 砂糖:大1と1/2 塩:小2/3 油揚げ:6 枚(いなり寿司用、または、薄めの油揚げ) 出し汁:300ml 砂糖:大3 みりん:大2 しょう油:大2 干し椎茸:3枚 (※干し椎茸は軽く洗い、水を加えて冷蔵庫で一晩かけて戻しておく。鍋焼きうどん参照。) 人参:30g 乾燥ひじき:4g (※ひじきは水に20〜30分浸け、よく洗って水気を切っておく。) 炒め油:少々 椎茸戻し汁:大4~5 酒、みりん、砂糖、しょう油、:各大1/2 炒り白ごま:大1 薄焼き卵(卵2個、砂糖、塩、水溶き片栗粉少々で直径17cm位に焼いておく) 三つ葉 生姜の甘酢漬け(市販)

This recipe includes superfoods such as:

Sesame Seeds

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See video for ingredients


See video for instructions

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How to Make Inarizushi (Fried Tofu Pouch Filled with Sushi Rice Recipe) いなり寿司 作り方レシピ

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Nutrition Facts

Serving Size: 0

Amount Per ONE Serving
Calories 0 kcal
Fat 0 g
Carbohydrate 0 g
Protein 0 g

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