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Codonopsis Pilosula for PCOS

The roots from the Codonopsis pilosula plant are used in chinese herbal tonics and medicine and is often seen as a milder and more economical substitute for ginseng. Like ginseng, it is used as a ‘chi’ ingredient to increase your chi. It has a slightly sweeter taste than ginseng and is preferred by those who do not like the strong taste of ginseng. Codonopsis is also known as dang sheen, poor man’s ginseng, or hairy asiabell. Using codonopsis in tonics is good for the lungs and the spleen. It is believed to lower blood pressure, increase blood cell count, promote appetite, strengthen the immune system and, as mentioned, replenish chi. It is also good for ladies who have recently given birth and those with high blood pressure. Women who have recently given birth are encouraged to use this herb during the traditional postpartum confinement period to nourish their blood and improve uterine function

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