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PCOS Treatment in the Netherlands: What are the Options?

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PCOS Treatment in the Netherlands: What are the Options?

PCOS Treatment in the Netherlands: What are the Options?

Understanding PCOS Treatment in the Dutch Healthcare System

The Netherlands offers comprehensive healthcare for Polycystic Ovary Syndrome (PCOS) through its universal health insurance system. Treatment options are generally aligned with international standards, focusing on symptom management and addressing individual patient needs.

Diagnosis Process in the Netherlands

Before treatment, proper diagnosis is crucial:

  • Initial consultation with a GP (huisarts)
  • Referral to a gynecologist or endocrinologist if PCOS is suspected
  • Blood tests to check hormone levels
  • Ultrasound examination

For more on PCOS diagnosis, see our article on How to Get Tested for PCOS in the Netherlands.

Treatment Options in the Netherlands

1. Lifestyle Modifications

Dutch healthcare providers often emphasize lifestyle changes as a first-line treatment:

  • Dietary changes to manage weight and insulin resistance
  • Regular exercise programs
  • Stress management techniques

For dietary guidance, check our Mastering PCOS Management Through Diet: Your Ultimate Nutrition Guide.

2. Medications

Common medications prescribed in the Netherlands for PCOS include:

Hormonal Treatments

  • Combined oral contraceptive pills (anticonceptiepil)
  • Progestin therapy

Insulin-Sensitizing Drugs

  • Metformin

Anti-Androgen Medications

  • Spironolactone (less commonly used in the Netherlands compared to other countries)

Ovulation Induction (for fertility)

  • Clomiphene citrate
  • Letrozole
  • Gonadotropins

3. Fertility Treatments

For women with PCOS struggling with fertility, options include:

  • Ovulation induction medications
  • Intrauterine insemination (IUI)
  • In vitro fertilization (IVF)

Note: Fertility treatments in the Netherlands may be covered by insurance, subject to certain conditions and age limits.

4. Surgical Interventions

In some cases, laparoscopic ovarian drilling may be recommended. This is typically considered when other treatments have been unsuccessful.

5. Management of Specific Symptoms

Hirsutism (Excess Hair Growth)

  • Hormonal treatments
  • Laser hair removal (usually not covered by basic insurance)


  • Topical treatments
  • Oral medications, including antibiotics or isotretinoin in severe cases

Accessing PCOS Care in the Netherlands

1. Health Insurance

Basic health insurance (basisverzekering) in the Netherlands covers most PCOS treatments. However, some treatments may require additional coverage or out-of-pocket expenses.

2. Referral System

You'll typically need a referral from your GP to see a specialist. This is important for insurance coverage.

3. Specialist Care

PCOS is usually managed by gynecologists or endocrinologists in the Netherlands. Some hospitals have specialized PCOS clinics.

4. Waiting Times

Waiting times for specialist appointments can vary. Your GP can provide information on expected wait times.

Holistic and Alternative Treatments

While not typically covered by basic insurance, some women in the Netherlands explore complementary treatments:

  • Acupuncture
  • Herbal medicine
  • Nutritional therapy

Always consult with your healthcare provider before starting any alternative treatments.

Support and Resources

1. Patient Associations

The Netherlands has patient organizations that provide support and information for women with PCOS.

2. Online Resources

Many Dutch hospitals and health organizations offer online information about PCOS in Dutch.

3. Mental Health Support

Psychological support for dealing with PCOS is available and may be partially covered by insurance.


The Netherlands offers a range of treatment options for PCOS, from lifestyle modifications to advanced medical interventions. The Dutch healthcare system provides good access to these treatments, although navigating the system may require some patience and understanding of the referral process.

Remember that PCOS treatment is highly individualized. Work closely with your healthcare providers to develop a treatment plan that addresses your specific symptoms and health goals. Don't hesitate to ask questions and seek second opinions if needed.

Extra Tip: Language Considerations

While many Dutch healthcare providers speak English, it can be helpful to learn key medical terms in Dutch related to PCOS. This can facilitate better communication during your appointments.

How This Article Was Made

This article was created through comprehensive research of current medical practices in the Netherlands, guidelines from Dutch health authorities, and international standards for PCOS treatment. We consulted information from:

We also incorporated insights from healthcare professionals practicing in the Netherlands to ensure the information is accurate and relevant to the Dutch healthcare context. Our aim was to create a comprehensive guide that helps women in the Netherlands understand their treatment options for PCOS within their healthcare system.

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