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Discover Your Hormonal Health Profile (Quiz)

Discover Your Hormonal Health Profile (Quiz)

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Discover Your Hormonal Health Profile

Do you often feel exhausted and rely on caffeine to get through the day?

Have you experienced a significant life change or stressful event recently?

Do you experience intense cravings for sweets or carbs, especially when stressed?

Have you struggled with your relationship with food or your body image?

Do you frequently deal with skin issues, digestive problems, or allergies?

Do you often experience headaches or tension in your neck and back?

Which area of your life do you feel needs the most attention right now?

Have you been diagnosed with or suspect you might have PCOS?

Have you been diagnosed with or suspect you might have endometriosis?

Do you experience any of these: persistent acne, unusual hair growth or loss, or irregular periods?

Do you regularly experience bloating, digestive discomfort, or pelvic pain?

Do you notice significant mood changes or discomfort in the week before your period?

Have you experienced irregular, painful, very heavy, or very light periods?

Which of these areas would you like to learn more about?

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